Kuhn Rikon organized a sweepstakes named Woman’s Day Kuhn Rikon Sweepstakes for United States those who have reached the age of majority in their states at the time of entry. The Sweepstakes started from 11 May, 2018 at 12:01 AM (ET) and finished on 11 July, 2018 at 11:59 PM (the Entry Period). In this Sweepstakes 15 winners will be selected and the prize for the winner is a set of Kuhn Rikon Knives, including the Colori + Paring knife, Colori + Serrated Paring Knife and the Melon Knife. If you take part in this sweepstakes, then you have to accept all rules and regulations. Winners will be announced on or about 31st July , 2018 and the winners will be selected randomly.
Woman’s Day Kuhn Rikon Sweepstakes – Enter For Chance To Win A Set Of Kuhn Rikon Knives
Entry Frequency : Single
End Date : 11-07-2018
Start Date : 11-05-2018
Eligibility: Open for the 50 United States and the District of Columbia or Canada (excluding Quebec) and for those who have reached the age of majority in their states at the time of entry.
Prize (s): set of Kuhn Rikon Knives, including the Colori + Paring knife, Colori + Serrated Paring Knife and the Melon Knife.